Medien-Design ReferenzenReferenzen>> Grafik/Illustration>> Bronze-Katalog>> Print-Produkte>> Mediendesign/Film Medien-Design ups 3d-Animation, Filmclip, Stop-Motion Alle Stop-Motion 13 Gif-Animation 9 3d-Animation 3 Flash-Animation 2 candle-light-magic Stop-Motion Gif-Animation candle-light-magic self hand made Stop-Motion Gif-Animation self hand made Kirk Stop-Motion Gif-Animation Kirk Osterhase macht `ne Pause Stop-Motion Gif-Animation Osterhase macht `ne Pause Dan is dancing Stop-Motion Dan is dancing solo with hair Stop-Motion solo with hair Trio-Dance Stop-Motion Trio-Dance chair solo Stop-Motion chair solo Engel läßt grüßen Stop-Motion Engel läßt grüßen ENGEL Stop-Motion Gif-Animation ENGEL dyingswan || Stop-Motion Gif-Animation dyingswan || Corona Maske Stop-Motion Corona Maske 1 2